DentaLink USA

DentaLink USA's

Preference Dental Network

Financial Information

 Typical Monthly Cost

Subscriber Costs



Subscriber & One Dependent


Subscriber & Two or More Dependents


The Preference Dental Network is offered on a prospectively rated basis. The employer's experience experience and industry trends are used to determine the appropriate rating action, at the time of renewal.

Rates are based on an assumed effective date and can be guaranteed for one or two years. The quoted rates are valid until 90 days from the effective date of the quotation as long as 30 days notice is given prior to implementation of the plans.

The proposals are based upon data provided by the client and assume that the Preference Dental Network will be offered to employees in the all employer locations.

DentaLink USA
E-mail: mail@

P.O. Box 12016
Newport News, VA 23612
757 873-0737
800 296-5289

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